HVAC, Heating and Air Conditioning Installation Contractors | Elite HVAC Contractors

Heating and Air Conditioning INSIDE SECRETS Maintenance



Heating and Air Conditioning Inside Secrets MaintenanceHeating and air conditioning inside secrets maintenance-Professional contractors need a wide variety of HVAC Tools including: digital clamp meters, humidity meters, digital manometers, refrigerant detectors, anemometers, soldering torches and many more! From taking rapid temperature readings to pinpointing accurate combustion analysis, they need to get the job done right.


 Heating and Air conditioning is more than just a bunch of hot (or cold) air and low prices!

It’s more complicated than people think when working with electric, gas, propane, and other hazardous materials. Heaters and air conditioner systems today require the use of the principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. The goal of the master technician is to provide even comfort and acceptable indoor air quality, and to do it with reasonable installation, operation and maintenance costs.


 Heating and Air Conditioning Inside Secrets Maintenance

Now ask yourself why are they providing these services below real cost and even FREE!


 Low Cost Door Openers for Contractors: Many companies will market a low cost inspection to get their technician in the door and once in the door, start trying to find problems or recommending parts that you really may not need. ACCA and other HVAC organizations can tell you no matter the size of the company the cost to get a highly trained technician to your home in a fully stocked truck are well over $135.00 today.

If you see this marketing in letters, flyers or online you are being targeted to get a trained technician into your home resulting in a high repair bill, don’t fall for this type of business tactics. You will find the bigger companies mostly doing this to cover their large growth and marketing expenses.

Inside Secret


Heating and Air Conditioning Inside Secrets Maintenance. Below are two companies that work with HVAC companies to train employees to get their average maintenance and service invoices much higher. Many of these companies have flat rate pricing or “upfront pricing” and they are based on the average hourly rate of well over $200.00 per hour and some over $400.00 per hour. The bigger the company you will find them marketing low price leaders to get in your home and a good chance of ripping you off by charging very high rates hidden in flat rate or up front pricing. Read more

Two of many training companies found on line getting companies to charge more:

More Proof


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Watch this full video and it supports overcharging by certain companies

These Companies do Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning and Drain Cleaning


Related Reading

Does the trucks or high bills remind you of any company in your area?

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