Buying Guide (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Local Reviews and Verified for Hiring Service and Installation HVAC Contractors in your area.
Don’t go through the same headaches when you are choosing a hvac contractor for your home or office. Experience how easy it is to hire safe, quality professionals to solve all your needs for heating, air conditioning, and geothermal. We refer BBB A+ Accredited Companies, More than 5 Years in a Quality Business, Drug Tested, Criminal Check Background Approved, Financial Rating Approved, Social Reviews Approved, and 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guaranteed by the contractor. Contact an Elite HVAC Contractor here where your research has been done for you, saving you time and headaches. No charge to you the homeowner, the referral is free and so is the contractors advice for you!
We Do All Contractor Investigations & Pre-Screening For You…The Strictest In The Industry
Experience how easy it is to hire safe, quality HVAC Contractors to solve all your needs for heating, air conditioning, and geothermal
- More than 5 Years in Business
- Drug Tested
- Criminal Check
- Background Approved
- Financial Rating Approved
- Social Reviews Approved
- 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guaranteed
Difficult- High Risk… Just ask President Obama
It is your responsibility to hire the right contractor to ensure that the heating and cooling of your home is designed for your comfort and is working as efficiently as possible at all times. Many owners think replacing equipment solves all problems and it does not in any way. You need to make sure the company has been in business for at least 5 years because 80% never make it past 5 years before going out of business. The importance of selecting a contractor cannot be overestimated. 95% of installations and service and some sort of energy wasting problem. This section below was taken from the Better Business Bureau and it prevents 60-70% of your risks, the other 30 to 40 percent can cause nightmares.
How To Hire Contractors for…
Heating and Air Conditioning Repairs, Maintenance, Replacements and Installations
Choosing The Right HVAC Contractor in 10 Steps
Step 1:
Visit The United States and Canada BBB Consumer and Business Reviews
Step 2:
Select for Consumers or click here to start Search BBB Business Reviews
Use BBB’s search to check out businesses and charities from our comprehensive database of BBB Reviews. You can search by:
- Business or Charity Name
- Type of Business
- Type of Charity
- Website URL
- Phone Number
- Email Address
Use a location to center your search around a specific region. “City and State” or “Postal Code” is required to search by type of business.
Step 3:
Select ACCREDITED BUSINESS box to select only accredited Companies and click on SEARCH
- This accreditation will help you should you ever have a problem
- Accreditation is an honor.
- Accredited Businesses meet BBB Standards for Trust.
- This will reduce your selection and increase your hiring success.
Step 4:
Review your selected list and start with researching the Accredited Business only.
Step 5:
Select at least 3 different companies to start your Business Reviews. All you have to do is click on each companies review under company name.
Step 6:
Make sure the company you choose has a A+ Rating.
Do not settle for anything less!
Contractors are working with many dangerous items that could be hazardous or fatal.
You would not select a surgeon with a “C” rating to operate on you, don’t select a contractor with less than an A+ put you and your family at risk. Some of the risks are
- Explosions
- Fire
- Floods
- Mold
Step 6:
Make sure you have contractors in your home with at least 5 Years in this business selected. Many start and close down or go bust then start over.
Step 7:
Check the company Reviews on Google and Yelp. The reason for these two are they are harder for companies to manipulate false reviews.
Step 8:
Do your homework on each company and make sure you have PROOF from any company before you make your appointment to invite them to your home.
Get Proof on the following people coming into your home!
- Drug Tested
- Criminal Check
- Background Check
Step 9:
Research each company social reviews you can learn more with full reports with positive and negative words on the internet and much more. Start now
Step 10:
Research and get the full details of each guarantee including all small print and what happens if you need to use the “Contractors Guarantee”.
Or, We Do All Contractor Investigations & Pre-Screening For You…The Strictest In The Industry
Experience how easy it is to hire safe, quality HVAC Contractors to solve all your needs for heating, air conditioning, and geothermal
- BBB A+ Accredited Company
- More than 5 Years in Business
- Drug Tested
- Criminal Check
- Background Approved
- Financial Rating Approved
- Social Reviews Approved
- 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guaranteed
Buying Guide (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Local Reviews and Verified for Hiring Service – Installation HVAC Contractor in your area.
Related Reading to How To Hire HVAC Contractors in 10 Steps